Building a Future Classroom and Interactive use of web 2.0 tools in FCL


The Future Classroom Lab is a great place to discover interactive technologies for teaching and learning!

A common challenge that teachers face in the traditional classroom setting is getting all students actively involved. Here, well-chosen technology can help pupils to move from ‘audience’ into active learners. ICT provides opportunities for students to be active in different ways that support their own learning styles. This also can help the teacher to move away from the teacher-led lessons.

About the course: In this course the participants will learn how to build their own Future Classroom.They will learn learning zones in detail and which web 2.0 tools can be used in these zones.The participants will reflect on the pedagogical principles which enable interactive and collaborative learning settings and environments. The participants will learn in this course tools and methodologies to increase and enhance the level of interaction in the classroom, such as presenting and collaboration, digital storytelling,online quizzes,mindmapping tools, STEM activities,augmented reality programs, video and audio, interactive exercises and gamification.

Learning objectives

Revisit the pedagogical principles of interactive and collaborative learning.
Discover tools and methodologies to increase interaction and collaboration in the classroom.
Design and plan the use of ICT for on-site and distance teaching scenarios.
Enhance standard educational materials with interactive tools and applications.
Gamify classroom activities.
Use video and audio for teaching and learning.
Explore emerging technologies like Augmented and Virtual Reality.
Discover Future Classroom Lab, its learning zones and technologies.

Cultural Tours & Outdoor activities

Besides courses ,Outdoor activities and Cultural tours to the most visited tourist attractions will also be organised to have idea about the history, culture and lifestyles of the hosting country.

At the end of the course, each participant will be awarded with the Europass Mobility Certificate, together with a certificate of attendance.

Course Fee
The courses last for seven days start on Sunday afternoon and ends on Saturday afternoon is 560 Euro
The courses last for five days start on sunday afternoon and ends on Thursday afternoon is 400 Euro
For any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us .We will be delighted to find out the best solution for you. Together.

For the detailed training programme and course locations, please have a look at our website.

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Please contact us for tailor-made training programmes and other dates